MySpace Graphics

Add Myspace graphics to your profile to make it stand out. Just enter in the url background image codes for myspace and you're set to go! It's easy to pimp your myspace profile when you have great myspace graphics images. The gurus at Myspace Stuff have gathered a list of web sites that provide free myspace graphics for you to use. Simply copy the myspace graphics you want and paste them into your profile. The Myspace graphics also work on Friendster, Xanga, Live Journal, blogs or personal websites.

Myspace Picture Codes
has about 180 myspace background graphics to choose from. Some graphic codes on their site include these samples below. Click on the blue hyperlink above to go to their website.
Animated Pattern Graphic Heart Graphics Butterflys

All Myspace Graphics
has hundreds of higher quality graphics. The site layout is by categories of images making it very user friendly. Just click on the link above to go to their site.
Friend Graphics Glitter Cats Dancing Graphics Weekend

Pimp Myspace
has lots of great graphics on their site. They feature a lot of glitter graphic images for myspace profiles. Click on the hyperlink above to go to their site.
Hello Kitty South Park Happy Bunny Doll Graphics

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